It seems one of the key issues these days for any course is pricing and what you get for that price. Paintless dent repair training is different in some respects. One has to dwell back into its history and how paintless dent repair training has been done. Only recently it seems to have encouraged multiple students and formal training.

Traditionally paintless dent repair training was done on a one trainer trains his partner or someone who pays. It was not uncommon to hear trainers charging $40,000 for training but before the shock sets please consider this was full training where the trainee has the PDR technician with them the whole time for months rather than just weeks. They train them first and then go out to do jobs and watch over them and offer support. So once you consider that PDR Technicians typically earn of the order of $1000 – $2000 per day, then suddenly such a price tag is not surprising.

The general costs in Australia seems to be varying from $2,900 to $12,000. Some are offering tools as a package and some go for 2 weeks compared to one. It is important to ensure that the courses and the trainers are genuine! In the end, it depends on what PDR skills are being taught.468x60